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Explosion Week 5 and 6
Do Day 3- Do one Group Box Jump/Reverse Medicine Ball Toss then repeat move on to next group
Box Jumps 3x20 Large box Jump both feet on to the box and then back down as fast as you can under control
Reverse Mecicine Ball Toss 3x20 Reps Partner drill stand sideways facing each other much like batting. then throw medicine ball with back arm and reverse feet.
Burpees 3x10 Reps Start in standing postion drop to a push up then jump to a squat and explode in the air reaching as high as you can.
Overhead Medicine Ball Toss/ With Pushup 3x25 Reps Partner drill stand facing each other 15 feet apart then hold medicine ball above head like a soccer throw in. after you throw do a pushup and jump back up.
Ice Skater 3x30 Reps

Lean Over body much like an Ice Skater and move side to side keeping only one foot on the ground and other slightly bent. Touch the ground with the opposite hand.

Kettle Bell Overhead Swing 3x15 Reps Grab a kettle bell with both hands Slightly bend knees wider then shoulder width and swing kettle bell from between legs to over head.
Clap Push Up 3x12 Get in regular pushup position lower your self down then explode up clapping both hands and catch youself.
Mason Twist 3x25 Sit on floor with palms locked together raise feet to chest and rotate hands to each side of the body touching the floor beside you.
10 yard Sprints from athletic postion 10x20 Sec Rest Get in base running or athletic position start run 10 yards then lower glove hand at the end like you are fielding a ball.
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